The band "Dobranotch" was set up in 1998 in France where a company of friends musicians from St.Petersburg, Russia was driven by wanderlust and the love of fresh musical experiences. After some years of travels the band came back to St. Petersburg to get a new lineup and new sound.
"Dobranotch" performs Jewish, Gypsy and Balkan traditional music, drawing on deep knowledge of traditions, rich experience in traveling and interacting with traditional musicians from different countries. The band's repertoire also includes Russian songs of the golden age of brass bands. Throughout its existence "Dobranotch" has toured across more than twenty countries of the world and recorded seven albums. One can hear the band's music in TV series, feature films and documentaries.
The band "Dobranotch" sounds equally convincing on philharmonic stages and in clubs and on open air festivals. It is not uncommon that the musicians of the band come down off the stage to play right among the audience, as their predecessors did at weddings a hundred years ago.
The band "Dobranotch" was set up in 1998 in France where a company of friends musicians from St.Petersburg, Russia was driven by wanderlust and the love of fresh musical experiences. After some years of travels the band came back to St. Petersburg to get a new lineup and new sound.
"Dobranotch" performs Jewish, Gypsy and Balkan traditional music, drawing on deep knowledge of traditions, rich experience in traveling and interacting with traditional musicians from different countries. The band's repertoire also includes Russian songs of the golden age of brass bands. Throughout its existence "Dobranotch" has toured across more than twenty countries of the world and recorded seven albums. One can hear the band's music in TV series, feature films and documentaries.
The band "Dobranotch" sounds equally convincing on philharmonic stages and in clubs and on open air festivals. It is not uncommon that the musicians of the band come down off the stage to play right among the audience, as their predecessors did at weddings a hundred years ago.

In the United Nations of World Music Forshpil represents Yiddishland, a legendary country where shtetl musicians play electric guitars along with fiddles, while traditional Yiddish ballads are as popular as rock anthems. Forshpil emerged on this planet in 2003 in Riga, Latvia. Since then the band has been committed to studying, preserving and creating traditional Yiddish culture. Led by singer Sasha Lurje and keyboardist/arranger Ilya Shneyveys, Forshpil has traveled all over Europe and North America playing and teaching at major Jewish and world music events.
Forshpil re-energizes traditional Yiddish songs, Hassidic nigunim and klezmer tunes with modern rhythms, harmonies and instruments. Age-old songs of love and despair induce themselves with psychedelic rock, funk, jazz and other addictive substances. Deeply rooted in tradition, this unlikely fusion feels weirdly authentic. If Pink Floyd and The Doors had ever jammed together at a Jewish wedding it would have sounded like this!
Sasha Lurje - voice
Ilya Shneyveys - keyboards
Mitia Khramtsov - violin
Roman Shinder - guitar
Zheka Lizin - drums
In the United Nations of World Music Forshpil represents Yiddishland, a legendary country where shtetl musicians play electric guitars along with fiddles, while traditional Yiddish ballads are as popular as rock anthems. Forshpil emerged on this planet in 2003 in Riga, Latvia. Since then the band has been committed to studying, preserving and creating traditional Yiddish culture. Led by singer Sasha Lurje and keyboardist/arranger Ilya Shneyveys, Forshpil has traveled all over Europe and North America playing and teaching at major Jewish and world music events.
Forshpil re-energizes traditional Yiddish songs, Hassidic nigunim and klezmer tunes with modern rhythms, harmonies and instruments. Age-old songs of love and despair induce themselves with psychedelic rock, funk, jazz and other addictive substances. Deeply rooted in tradition, this unlikely fusion feels weirdly authentic. If Pink Floyd and The Doors had ever jammed together at a Jewish wedding it would have sounded like this!
Sasha Lurje - voice
Ilya Shneyveys - keyboards
Mitia Khramtsov - violin
Roman Shinder - guitar
Zheka Lizin - drums

Michael Alpert, Daniel Kahn & Friends
Arum Dem Fayer
Two Yiddish Troubadours trade tunes around the fire.
International legend of the Klezmer Revival Michael Alpert joins Berlin’s own Painted Bird Balladeer Daniel Kahn, and an all-star kapelye of Shtetl Klezmorim, for an intimate and inspiring set of original songs, translations, traditional ballads, stories and fiddle tunes from the heart of Yiddishland.
Zwei Jiddisch-Troubadoure am Lieder-Lagerfeuer.
Internationale Legende des Klezmer-Revivals Michael Alpert trifft Berliner Balladensänger und Painted Bird Daniel Kahn und eine all-star Ensemble der Shtetl Klezmorim für einen intimen und inspirierenden Austausch von eigenen Songs, Nachdichtungen, traditionellen Balladen, Geschichten und Fiedel-Melodien aus dem Herzen des Yiddishlands.
Michael Alpert, Daniel Kahn & Friends
Arum Dem Fayer
Two Yiddish Troubadours trade tunes around the fire.
International legend of the Klezmer Revival Michael Alpert joins Berlin’s own Painted Bird Balladeer Daniel Kahn, and an all-star kapelye of Shtetl Klezmorim, for an intimate and inspiring set of original songs, translations, traditional ballads, stories and fiddle tunes from the heart of Yiddishland.
Zwei Jiddisch-Troubadoure am Lieder-Lagerfeuer.
Internationale Legende des Klezmer-Revivals Michael Alpert trifft Berliner Balladensänger und Painted Bird Daniel Kahn und eine all-star Ensemble der Shtetl Klezmorim für einen intimen und inspirierenden Austausch von eigenen Songs, Nachdichtungen, traditionellen Balladen, Geschichten und Fiedel-Melodien aus dem Herzen des Yiddishlands.

Sasha Lurje & di Zaftike Kapelye
After years spent traveling the world performing and teaching rare Yiddish ballads and folk songs at major festivals, Sasha Lurje’s (LV/DE) latest project pairs these intimate songs with the earthy and powerful sound of two fiddles and a cello. Featuring Craig Judelman (USA/DE) and duo Fran&Flora (UK) this project draws from the traditions of the Jews and their neighbors telling the stories families told themselves.
While klezmer music was mostly a professional and instrumental genre, the music of a Jewish home was a tradition of songs mostly sung by women and occasionally accompanied by string instruments. This project goes back to that sound, letting new facets of old traditions shine. Fierce, energetic and imaginative yet deeply rooted and connected to not just the music but the lives of the musicians, this is a ‘zaftik’ (juicy) and entrancing new soundscape that will move your heart and your feet!
Sasha Lurje - voice,
Flora Curzon - fiddle
Craig Judelman - fiddle
Francesca Ter-Berg - cello
Sasha Lurje & di Zaftike Kapelye
After years spent traveling the world performing and teaching rare Yiddish ballads and folk songs at major festivals, Sasha Lurje’s (LV/DE) latest project pairs these intimate songs with the earthy and powerful sound of two fiddles and a cello. Featuring Craig Judelman (USA/DE) and duo Fran&Flora (UK) this project draws from the traditions of the Jews and their neighbors telling the stories families told themselves.
While klezmer music was mostly a professional and instrumental genre, the music of a Jewish home was a tradition of songs mostly sung by women and occasionally accompanied by string instruments. This project goes back to that sound, letting new facets of old traditions shine. Fierce, energetic and imaginative yet deeply rooted and connected to not just the music but the lives of the musicians, this is a ‘zaftik’ (juicy) and entrancing new soundscape that will move your heart and your feet!
Sasha Lurje - voice,
Flora Curzon - fiddle
Craig Judelman - fiddle
Francesca Ter-Berg - cello

Art Project "Torah Images"
In der Torah finden wir die Urgeschichten wie die Sintflut, den Turmbau zu Babel, die Vätergeschichten (Abraham, Isaak und Jakob), die Geschichte vom Auszug aus Ägypten und die Gesetze des Mosevolkes. Nach dem Fall Jerusalems stellen sich dem Volk Israel im Exil in Babel zahlreiche Fragen. Als babylonisches Exil wird eine Epoche der jüdischen Geschichte bezeichnet, welche 597 v. Chr. beginnt.
»Torah Images« greift diese Thematik auf und präsentiert eine berührende künstlerische Umsetzung mit einer Ausstellung und einem Live-Konzert, das Musik, Fotos, Videos und Grafiken in sich vereinigt. Die KünstlerInnen erzählen »alte« Geschichten und transportieren das Thema Flucht und Exil und die jahrtausendalte Auseinandersetzung der Menschen damit in die Gegenwart. Was in der Sprache der Thora nach altem Märchen und längst vergangener Zeit klingt, wird mit Hilfe belebter Bilder und eindringlicher Musik plötzlich gegenwärtig und kommt uns ganz nah. Wir können uns mit den Personen identifizieren und bekommen einen echten Zugang zu den Geschehnissen.
Ziel des Kunstprojekts »Torah Images« ist, die Figuren des Alten Testaments zum Leben zu erwecken und uns die jüdische Geschichte, die immer von Vertreibung und Exil geprägt war, nahezubringen.
Shendl Copitman - Fotographie, Video
Mark Kovnatskiy - Musik
Maria Sklyarenko - Grafiken

Oblomov Trio
Founders of the legendary Neukölln Klezmer Sessions, The Oblomov Trio performs a vast repertoire of traditional klezmer music with authenticity, spontaneity and a healthy dose of humor. Great for listening, perfect for dancing!
Emil Goldschmidt - Klarinette
Hampus Melin - Schlagzeug
Ilya Shneyveys - Akkordeon
Oblomov Trio
Founders of the legendary Neukölln Klezmer Sessions, The Oblomov Trio performs a vast repertoire of traditional klezmer music with authenticity, spontaneity and a healthy dose of humor. Great for listening, perfect for dancing!
Emil Goldschmidt - Klarinette
Hampus Melin - Schlagzeug
Ilya Shneyveys - Akkordeon